When You Feel Like Quitting…

“Steve’s wife’s run off again.”

I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, its just that the old men were talking so loudly over their McDonald’s breakfast that I couldn’t help but hear.

And I thought of another conversation I overhead a few months back. “Did you hear they are divorced now? No wonder, with her being stuck at home with those five kids and all…”

I think of the array of pressures that makes us feel we’re going to implode if we don’t get. out. now.

So we quit our husbands, we quit our kids, we quit relationships, we quit God. Oh, we don’t have to leave to quit either, do we? We can be right there in the middle of it and still be quitters.

There’s another conversation I’ve been privy to. It has changed everything for me. It’s the conversation between a quitter and God. And this woman really did have it bad.

She was a slave and when her owners decided that she was useful for getting what they wanted the most… a child…they used her to get it. Then, after she got pregnant, there was a lot of jealousy and strife so as low hen in the pecking order she was mistreated and abused.

She felt so helpless and alone that she up and left. Ran off. Like Steve’s wife.

She found herself in the middle of a desert. Destitute and pregnant. But she wasn’t alone and she wasn’t without hope.

God met her at her lowest moment and revealed Himself to her so powerfully….so powerfullythat she returned to the couple who had abused her and submitted herself to them.

That’s some kind of God, is all I’ve gotta say.

And in preparing for the upcoming journey I’m taking the kids through this summer on the character of God (join us?), I’ve come across this same El Roi, the One who meets quitters and gives them what it takes to keep going.

All weekend I’ve been asking, “El Roi, reveal to me the secrets of Your name. Open my eyes to understand what about You brings such transformation.”

Has He ever answered… and my world forever tilted and the quitter in me drawn up on strengthened legs and the eyes opened to see the glory and purpose in it all.

I’m convinced that understanding El Roi, the God who sees, gives us the capacity to joyfully and willingly endure the hardships in our lives.

And as El Roi granted deep awe in understanding, as He led me to study this concept of submission, this command given specifically by the God who sees what we are going through and how it is going to turn out, He divinely sent something across my path.

“Teaching a horse to give to pressure is day 1 in colt breaking.”  A horse trainer was demonstrating a skill all horses must learn in order to truly become great.

“But not all horses are trained properly in this and they get to be five, ten year old horses and they still will not bend, will not flex. They argue, they won’t give their face; they’re like a belligerent child who hasn’t learned day 1 lessons. It is very hard to build on a horse who hasn’t learned step 1.”

And God is telling me why I can’t quit, why I can’t run. He’s letting me understand why He applies pressure. It is to lay a foundation on which He can build.

“Step 1 is to give, bend, flex, and turn a little bit when directed with the reigns. If he resists, you don’t let up. You must soften him up by keeping the pressure on him.”

And I understand why the pressure’s been kept on me, going on four years now of constant, unrelenting pressure. This mare’s got a rebellious streak. Yet her Trainer is unwilling to give up on her, and His name is also Faithful.

“When a horse has a problem and wants to argue and resist, you don’t go get a bigger bit. You don’t go pull harder. You don’t get mad and fight. You don’t go get the club. You say, “Day 1, bud. Learn to bend. I’m going to pull on your little mouth until you learn to bend and give, and when you do that, I will turn you loose.””

“This looks boring, but you will find trainers who train colts will do this by the hours. Skilled, winning trainers will do this first thing every day…they will test that horse to see if he remembers lesson 1.”

And I understand the humble, patient, nurturing nature of our great God.

“You can do this a long time with a horse. He’s not getting tired, mad, or hurt. We are not terrorizing him in any way. We are working on his mind more than his body.”

And I understand why El Roi told Hagar, a woman who up and quit her circumstances, “Go back and submit.”

Pressure retrains our mind to keep in step with our Almighty, Loving God, who bends and writes in the dust and takes all the time in the world with us because there is not limit to His commitment to us and He knows the power of His unfailing love towards us.

He is committed to making us more than conquerors.

Abuse and abandonment teach us to run and buck and self preserve. But He takes us in hand and commits to building trust. He doesn’t give up or let go. And slowly, He retrains us, guiding us away from those self-destructive patterns.

Pressure teaches submission and submission prepares us for true greatness.

We come to Him wild, an un-cultivated olive, a bucking and kicking mare that wants to run solo. We want to do life unhindered and unattached. But God takes us on and He’s the Master Trainer and He’s a good plan. Oh it’s good! He knows that true greatness is power under control.

Gentleness is the fruit of affliction.

So He applies the pressure and He tells us to trust Him. Submit. Lower your head, bend, flex. Give to the pressure. Again. And again.

And again.

Until it is our new nature, us working in sync with our Gentle Savior, trusting Him without even thinking anymore.

Because we have learned that He lays foundation for a winner, not a quitter, and we’re the winner and this is lesson 1.

“The Lord is righteous in all His ways and faithful in all He does.” Psalm 145:17

When Life is One Big Mess

I’m sinking in the middle of MESS.

Littlest one has a dirty diaper. Noted.

Just let me finish wiping down the tub that hasn’t been scrubbed in…well, we won’t go there… and brush the crumbs off the couch from crackers that are suppossed to ONLY be consumed at the table, and oh, did I mention that #2 also has a diaper that needs changing?

Then I notice wet sticky on the floor and see that littlest has grabbed soup bowl off of table and carried it into living room, leaving a trail of chicken enchilda soup (yummy to eat no doubt, but really, need we track it all over the house?) for mommy to add to her to-do list.

I strip Littlest down to his (dirty) diaper and throw the clothes on the floor to pick up later- after #’s 1-8 are done on my list- just as children #2 and #3 run through the house, tramping right through chicken enchilada, determined to share it’s goodness with the bedrooms.

I sit on the floor and cry.

Is this really what my life is about? This perpetual attempt to climb out from under, to keep from plumb drowning?

“How do I do this?” I ask Him.

I see that sitting here long is more disaster in the making, so I grab a towel and, on hands and knees, start wiping up chicken. (Mopping the floors has now made my list.. I did NOT intend to add that particular to-do to the list today.)

That’s when His answer comes. “I have nothing better for you to do right now than develop humility.”


I know it is true. I need humility and I crave it because I am so full of pride and I see the effects of it in my life and in my home and I despise it in me and I’ve asked Him for the gift of humility as I start this New Year of Conquest.

His words tell me He is happy to grant and thrilled that I am finally on board with Him.

“Let him consider how all want of love, all indifference to the needs, the feelings, the weakness of others; all sharp and hasty judgements and utterances, so often excused…all manifestations of temper and touchiness and irritation; all feelings of bitterness and estrangement, have their root in nothing but pride, that ever seeks itself, and his eyes shall be opened to see how a dark, shall I not say a devilish pride, creeps in almost everywhere, the assemblies of the saints not excepted.” Andrew Murray

Oh yes, I’ve got the roots of pride that manifest in many, many ways and utterances. It pains me that as Adam passed down his nature, so I am passing mine down to little ones I long better for. So I pray for humility. Again.

Then, as little ones spill and mess and fight and resist, there it is: the answer to my prayer, the chance for humility.

I’ve felt so buried under daily life that I’ve missed what God has been up to. While I’ve prayed for character, for peace, for help, for grace, for love, for patience, for tenderness… I’ve missed what He has been trying to tell me. I’ve missed HIS agenda.

I could weep at the insight.

His agenda is humility. Humility’s fruits are all those things I’m after and if I make humility my aim, seek to humble myself when the messes come one on top of another; when the fighting starts; when little ones resist instruction; if I focus on me and my lesson-learning from Master instead, then I begin to lay hold of everything I’ve been praying for.

“Now you’re getting it!” He says.

“I have nothing better for you to do right now than develop humility.” I receive the words as a gift, mull them over and treasure them. They are life. They are peace.

“In striving after the higher experiences of the Christian life, the believer is often in danger of aiming at and rejoicing in what one might call the more human, the manly virtues, such as boldness, joy, contempt of the world, zeal, self sacrifice…while the deeper and gentler, the diviner and more heavenly graces- poverty of spirit, meekness, humility, lowliness- are scarcely thought of or valued.” Andrew Murray

And so I know. The Year of Conquest begins here, pursuing humility. I know what to focus on beyond the mess, the noise, the chaos. I know what He wants me to possess.

As I clean up soup on hands and knees, I ask for wisdom, for the eyes to see humility and its fruit and how it is to breath in me right now.

And I might even come to love these daily insignificances?…For where better to discover and develop the very nature of Christ?

Oh, and if you’re looking for me, try checking under the table. I think someone else just made the milk jug dart gun target…